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A few weeks ago I found myself failing the Series 66 exam. I was given a final chance to sit for the exam by my firm. I lost faith in the prep system I was previously using; because I averaged and 84 on the final exams. One of my colleagues suggested that I start shopping online for an alternative exam prep system. Luckily, I found Michael Weiss the ‘Series 7 exam tutor.’ He helped me to choose an alternative exam prep system, and made himself available for private tutoring sessions to supplement the new program. Michaels knowledge about the Series 66 is tremendous. His contribution was instrumental to my success. I was able to dive deep into various concepts, that seemed really complex and slippery early on. We had 1 on 1 sessions that were very stimulating and enlightening. By the time I sat for the exam I was confident and knowledgeable about the 66 as a whole. A month before I worked with Michael I score a 70 on the Series 66 exam; when I sat for the exam after using Michael’s services for 30 days I scored an 83. I am convinced that using his serviced is the best thing a person struggling to get over the hump can do to give themselves a good chance at passing.
Moise - El Segundo, CA
Following Michael Weiss’s key role in helping me pass the Series 7 on my first attempt, it was a “given” that I would use his services on the 66. As it turns out, the rules and laws governing state and federal Financial Advisors are a disjointed cobbling of numerous Acts promulgated over the last 80-years. Mike’s explanations were always an effort to harmonize competing concepts in stark contrast to the two Series 66 course provider materials that I was using. He also focused on the identification and understanding of the financial formulas rather than just computation. This proved absolutely vital in passing this test . Thankfully, I passed with a comfortable margin. The truth regarding the Series 66 is that until the study courses more accurately reflect what you will see on the actual test, the assistance of a superior tutor like Michael Weiss, via Skype or in person, is not a luxury but a necessity.
Howard - Miami, Florida
I highly recommend Michael for anyone that needs help conquering the 66 exam. Michael helped me understand more than I ever did even after taking the Kaplan class and studying on my own. Thank you for your time and flexibility with the online sessions! I really appreciate your help and owe a big part of that 87% to your time spent!
Bill - St.Petersburg, FL
I enjoyed working with Michael while studying for the Series 7 Exam. We focused on taxation and options, two areas which I found difficult prior to the tutoring. He thoroughly explained the concepts and now I have a much better understanding of the material related to taxation and options. With some hard work and Michael's help, I passed with a score of 93%. I would recommend Series 7 Exam Tutor and Michael to anyone who needs assistance with the material on the series 7.
Jim - Salisbury, North Carolina
With Michael's help I was able to raise my score over eight percent, more then enough to pass this exam! The way Michael teaches the material makes it easy to understand and process the necessary information in order to pass. He explains in depth information in Layman's terms, which makes it so much easier to register the information in front of you. With Michael's knowledge, information and exam prep techniques I was successfully able to study and pass the series 66 exam! I would highly recommend Michael to anyone taking the series 66 exam or any securities examination for that matter.
Thanks again Michael!
-Shane, Tampa FL.
Michael was extremely helpful in my passing of the Series 66. His insight into the test materials, and strategies to use were invaluable. I would highly recommend Michael to anyone in need of a tutor for the Series 66.
David, Miami, Florida
After we met, I ended up slowing down my pace and did a few more weeks of practice questions. When I took it, it was very unclear as to how I was going to do, but I ended up with an 82%! It certainly made the holidays much more enjoyable to have both behind me. Working with you really gave me the one on one attention that I needed to pass my series 66.
Warren - Princeton, NJ